
Knowing what they are and what the differences between UVA and UVB rays are is important to know how they can affect us and how we should properly protect ourselves from them.Ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B radiation are the two types of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun and reaching our skin.

Knowing the difference between them is fundamental to understanding the need to apply broad spectrum sunscreen.

With this post we want to tell you the main differences of UVA and UVB rays, and why you need to protect your skin from both.

UVA Rays

UVA light, also known as long wave light, represents about 95% of the ultraviolet light that reaches our skin.

UVA rays pose a greater threat than UVB rays, because a higher percentage of them reach the surface of the earth.

The uva rays are considered the silent killers of the sun because, unlike UVB rays, you do not feel the effects of their damage to the skin.

They are responsible for the tanning on our skin, as they activate the formation of melanin, a protective pigment responsible for the tanning.

Tanning is not painful, but those UVA rays that we don’t feel are penetrating the deepest layers of our skin causing changes that lead to aging, spots, wrinkles and can even be the biggest factor in cancer

UVB Rays

UVB light represents 5% of the ultraviolet light that reaches our skin. The amount of UVB radiation can vary depending on the time of year, latitude or times of day.

The uvb rays reach the shallower layers of the skin and, although they are not as penetrating as UVA rays, they are also very powerful.

They are responsible for sunburn and changes in the most visible layers of the skin.

How to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays

Good protection against UVA and UVB radiation is essential.

To obtain complete protection before exposure to the sun, it is advisable to apply an extra impulse by applying a treatment rich in antioxidants, because they help to better protect the skin against environmental factors.

When choosing a sunscreen to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays, it is advisable to choose product with wide spectrum protection and with a sun protection factor (SPF) higher than 30.

The higher the sun protection factor, the more protected we will be from the sun’s rays.

Suncare +50 offers maximum safety against these radiations and its SPF +50 of wide spectrum protects the cells against free radicals.

Remember that we are exposed to sun activity during 365 days of the year, and the most effective way of protection is to follow a skin care routine.


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